Friday, August 15, 2008

Day 5...

I'm realizing that I'm starting with the end of the day first, but I'm too lazy to switch it all around:) We're in Mountain Home, Idaho for the night. We drove from Wyoming, Utah, and are now at this wonderful hotel. The pool is the best we've seen by far. We'll be in Bend tomorrow. We are excited to see the family and get some sleep-in time!

Liz and Josh are party animals!

The rocks at this place were safe and fun to play on:)

Check it out!

One of our prisoners!
They hold hands:)

A twister we saw in Utah!

Elmer and Josh!

Zach and his Wyoming stick of magic!

Utah, beautiful Utah!

Yes, this was very forced:)

More wind turbines!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Day 4...

Another great day of travel! We crossed over from Nebraska to Wyoming. We're staying at Rock Springs tonight and will be hitting the road again early tomorrow morning. Everyone is doing well. We're all very excited to get home to Oregon.

The boys say they've had "excellent travels" and "enjoyed going to the swimming pool."

That's the extent I can get them to say about our trip:)

This is what we've seen all today!

Wyoming is BEAUTIFUL!

Wind turbines! Love the renewable energy!

Sunflowers for oil?!

Another beauty:)

We crossed it twice!

Wind turbine fins.

Anyone knows what these fence looking structures are for?


This is what they have looked like for the majority of the trip:)

Near a natural gas line!

Having fun with my knitting:)

Our strong mountain climbers!

King of the mountain!

Notice he's still clinging to his transformer:)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day 3....

Today we're staying in Ogallala, Nebraska. We hear that there is a really big lake here, but the farthest we went into town was to the local sewing shop so that I could get more yarn:) The boys swam at the pool, and enjoyed a scrumptious dinner of salad and chicken.

Here are some of the exciting and wonderful things that we've seen in Iowa and Nebraska!

Beautiful, golden sunflowers!

Musical Crickets!


(Shucked by Zach)




All the things needed for a rockin' road trip!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day 2...

They fight, but they love each other!

Cool, huh?!

Up close, grrrr!

Leaf moth.

So cool.

Fields are all we saw for soooo long!

Vintage Mckey D's.

Equipped with it's own Ronald!

today was a good day
i had a good day at the pool
-ZACH (typed by Zach)

Dear Dad,
I love you very much and I miss you very much and I want you to come to Oregon. I want you to come here. Let us to do stuff and fix stuff.
-Josh (typed by Cat)

I love Brian, I miss him, and I hope to see him soon.

-Liz (typed by Cat, retold by Josh)

Day two has been steady going. We're staying at a Best Western that allows dogs. We've played at the pool and had a dinner of pizza. The boys are doing well, so are the girls, all the girls!


Monday, August 11, 2008

Day 1....

Captive, in their own car!

Zach loves hitting his brother:)

Going so slow a barn passed us!

Look very closely, it says "Elizabethtown".

Yes, it's true beauty!

Josh either eats or drinks constantly!

Pink is her color!

Today we drove 440 miles and are now spending the night in Marion, Illinois. W've swam in the pool and Liz just got back with dinner. The boys won't write, maybe tomorrow.
